COURTNEY ROBINSON / copywriter + storyteller


You don’t have to have all the answers. You just have to ask the question.

Society teaches us to speak around suicide rather than directly at it. Myth scares us into believing that asking someone if they’re suicidal or are having thoughts of suicide will plant the idea in their head.

LGBTQ youth are 4x more likely to attempt suicide than their cisgender, heterosexual peers. 1.8 million consider suicide each year. We know how to help—by listening, talking and asking questions. But too often, we’re afraid to ask the most important one: Are you suicidal?

This campaign seeks to change that by posing the questions were all too afraid to ask and giving us no reason not to.


The Trevor Project, an LGBTQ youth suicide prevention hotline + resource hub

Here to Help. Just Ask.

Out-of-home, preroll, social

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Hannah Berling / AD
Alexandra Daniels / ST


Suicide isn’t an answer. It’s a question. Of strength, of meaning, of worth.

But when life feels like being trapped in a burning room, windows become doors—no matter what floor. Our focus shifts from survival to escape.

When suicide becomes an option, life is called into question.

Answer it with an ask.


Here to Help. Just Ask.

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TTP-verified / For the month of June, members and allies of the LGBTQ community can add an orange check mark to their Instagram and Twitter profiles. To receive this verification, users must take an oath that swears them to supporting and reaching out to members of the LGBTQ community. In addition to the orange check, these users will also be given access to a special Trevor Project photo filter.